How Integrated Facility Management Works - Vendor Management

What Is Integrated Facility Management?

Building maintenance and repairs, though not a key area of your profit model, is definitely an area that can detract from profits when you have to spend excessive amounts of time coordinating the efforts of your vendors.

Lesco360 can give you back that time with our proprietary integrated facility management (IFM) software and our around-the-clock coordination process.

vendor building maintenance management

How integrated facility management works

When repairs are needed within your facility, you make one contact: us.

We’ll have complete data on all your preferred vendors, and we’ll quickly schedule the repair work. Unlike some providers of facility management processes, we don’t have our own team that we send out to your facility.

Instead, we send out your vendors who you already use and trust to know your facility and get the job done right.

Integrated software

When we work together, you can easily see and track all facility repair and maintenance tasks in real time. By accessing our integrated software, everything is at your fingertips.

You don’t purchase the software and then become responsible for upgrading and maintaining it. We handle all of that and everything else required to keep the software running consistently and giving you exactly what you need to oversee building maintenance activities.

You’ll be able to keep up with:

  • Grounds maintenance
  • Flooring repairs
  • Interior & exterior painting
  • Electrical repairs
  • Repair of heating & A/C systems
  • Plumbing repairs
  • Carpet cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Light fixture/light systems maintenance
  • Roof repair & inspections

Whatever maintenance and repair duties you’ve already assigned to your trusted vendors, we’ll manage from start to finish.

work order property management Work orders & follow-up

After you’ve alerted us to a specific maintenance need, we’ll quickly arrange for that need to be resolved. A work order will be issued based on the priority you give to that specific activity.

But we won’t just send workers out. We’ll closely monitor their activities and make sure it gets completed, after which we’ll notify you.

We verify and keep up with your vendors

Lesco360’s integrated facility management services include verifying all licenses and insurance coverage for all your vendors. We want to ensure that only qualified firms and service workers are involved with any kind of maintenance on your property.

If there are issues with licenses, insurance or other credentials, you will be informed immediately. Learn more about how we do integrated facility management and free up your time for more critical functions – like growing your business. Reach a helpful associate today at (866) 947-5044.