Facility Management System In Charlotte NC - We Close The Loop

Our IFM System Works For You In Charlotte NC

The uniqueness of LESCO360’s Integrated Facility Management services for Charlotte area companies is our commitment to developing tailored solutions to meet your needs. All clients have 24/7/365 access to our Help Desk on a dedicated support line (which is, by the way, always picked up by the 4th ring!). We’ve built these features standard in addition to ticket tracking, vendor compliance, and supplier close-outs.

Charlotte NC Facility management software

Beyond that, we strive to work as an extension of your business. Our closed loop approach means that no detail is overlooked and all steps are completed each and every time. Regardless of the type of maintenance request or repair, our system works for you to make your life easier, more organized, and more efficient.

we help commercial property managers in Charlotte NCA typical LESCO360 client

Our client base continues to grow as we’ve continued to build out and refine our longstanding Facility Management System process. Over the years, we’ve noticed patterns in our client types. Sometimes, our clients are facility managers who are responsible for multi-campus locations. At other times, we’ve worked with single-facility operations. In others still, we partner with building managers who have multi-tenant setups. In any case, they have one overall pressing need. Time.

All LESCO360 clients need more time in the day to manage their facility or facilities. Our varied industries, ranging from banks and other financial institutions to industrial facilities typically have more repair requests in a given day than they have time to follow up on and assign.

We’ve worked with everyone from office complex managers to pharmacies and beyond, helping them organize their vendor database, mitigate any outstanding repair issues, and develop ongoing programs for recurring inspections and maintenance programs.

Take back control

Today, it may be a branch in Pineville with a leaky roof. Tomorrow, it may be a tenant in Charlotte with a flickering light over the general manager’s desk. Next week, everyone’s yards will need cut.

Our LAMA web portal helps you stay on top of the outstanding maintenance tickets, who we’ve assigned them to, what the resolution was, and if the vendor will be paid by LESCO360 or your firm.

Facility Management System In Charlotte NCOf course, it goes without saying that sometimes vendors let things slide such as renewing their annual certifications. With LESCO360, if a vendor doesn’t provide up to date certifications and we can’t contact them to verify renewal, we’ll take them out of your active vendor database and assign the ticket to a vendor who is certified or insured.

Furthermore, LESCO360 tracks all warranties and claims against those warranties. That way, if your copier breaks and you call it in to our Help Desk, you can rest easy knowing that we’re working with the vendor to fix it or get a replacement ASAP.

Save time and money

Our cloud-based client portal lets you log in at any time from anywhere and track everything from spending to your budgets, and even drill down to specific payouts per vendor. This can help you identify inconsistencies, flag areas for improvement, and plan accurately for your upcoming fiscal year’s budget.